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Name Date Subject Description
Ernie Wednesday June 26th Outdoor Storage for Boat, RV, Trailer and Vehicles Outdoor Storage for RV, Boats, Trailers and Vehicles etc. Two locations on Hwy 559 outside of Parry Sound on the way to Killbear Provincial Park. Starting at $35 per month. Call Ernie at 705 774-0274
Cliff Wednesday June 5th Cobra golf driver Cobra driver has adjustable head and is very good condition
CLIFF Wednesday June 5th Cobra golf driver Cobra LTDx driver tour length (44.5") with
UST Mamiya Helium 4F2 seniour shaft--with Nano
Core Technology. Goof condition with normal face marking from hitting balls bought in 2022. $ 250.00 call Cliff @

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Box 225, Parry Sound, Ontario, CANADA P2A 2X3 Tel/FAX (705) 746-4625
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